“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.””
— Matthew 28:18-20
Ministries we Support:
Los Gazosos
Dalton Linn in Student Mobilization at UCA
Answers in Genesis
The Other Side
Don Tibbett (Missions Director)
Don’s Vision: To establish and maintain Mission Teams that are Bible oriented, Christ centered, with a primary emphasis on ministering and evangelizing with local pastors and churches of like faith and practice in the area of Chimaltenango, and anywhere else that God gives us an opportunity.
Guatemala Missions
Our ministry in Guatemala is multifaceted and strives to address physical as well as spiritual needs. We work exclusively in conjunction with local pastors and missionaries to strengthen their standing in local communities. Our physical presence in Guatemala only lasts for a few days or weeks each year, but they are there year-round ministering to the needs of the poorest of Central American poor. Some of our ministries include:
Home Construction
While we might consider a 12X12 corrugated building to be less than the ideal home, for many families in Guatemala, such a structure is a huge improvement in their living condition.
Working with local pastors to present the Gospel as we minister to the physical needs is an important part of what we do and who we are.
Food Distribution
Although we are not currently sending teams to Guatemala due to the political climate, we routinely finance projects and food distribution through trusted ministry partners.
Dental Missions
In addition to taking American Dentists to Guatemala, we work with Dr. Manuel Chavez of El Tejar, Chimaltenango, Guatemala. We have supplied Dr. Chavez with the equipment, tools and supplies needed to work in sometimes remote areas. Years ago, knowing my background in the dental industry, a local missionary turned from a child in pain and said: “Bring me a dentist”. Foothills Bible Church has taken that call to heart. Again, while we can only be there occasionally, Dr. Chavez is a constant presence. While working on your teeth, Dr. Chavez will also be filling your ears with the good news of Jesus Christ. Our productive partnership with Dr. Chavez now spans over 15 years.
Los Gozosos
Los Gozosos (the joyful ones) is a home for physically and mentally handicapped children and young adults. In Guatemala, there is no social safety net and children who cannot be properly cared for in the family home are often abandoned. Maureen Casey left California many years ago for a brief mission trip to Guatemala. That brief trip has turned into decades of service and sacrifice for disabled children. Los Gozosos is a place of laughter and love for the staff as well as the residents. Please pray for Los Gozosos and consider sponsoring a child there. The need is great.
Myanmar Inland Missions (Burma)
The country of Myanmar was formerly known as Burma, before the current military junta took control. In addition to renaming the country, most of the cities were also given new names. The military government has declared the nation a Buddhist state. Buddhists comprise 89 percent of the population, while Christians make up 4 percent, and Muslims, Hindus, and other religions make up the remainder. Myanmar is one of the poorest nations on earth with an economy that is being destroyed by double and triple-digit inflation. Myanmar has a population of approximately 55 million, and is about the size of the state of Texas.
The living standard in Myanmar is declining daily because of the state of the economy. The Christian institutions (schools and seminaries) that do exist, have no electricity. The students in these schools and seminaries consist of many young men and women who have committed themselves to full-time Christian service such as pastors, evangelists, Bible teachers, nursery and orphanage workers. Most however, don’t have the funds to pay for their tuition or room and board. Myanmar is also teeming with orphans. Many children are left to live on the streets due to various circumstances. Many parents die young due to poor diet and lack of preventative medicine. If there is a divorce, very often the new husband does not want the children from a previous marriage. When a child in a Buddhist family converts to Christianity, they are cast out. As a result, the Christian institutions operate their own orphanages, where these children are given a Christian environment to live in.
Little Door International’s work in Myanmar
Teaching – Several teams travel to Myanmar each year at their own expense to teach the Word of God to students in Bible schools, seminaries, and churches. When doing so, they are trying to model good teaching styles for the students, primarily through expository messages working through the books of the Bible.
Providing Study Materials – We help provide study tools, such as computers, generators to operate those computers, and Bible study software. As directors of the Myanmar Christian Literature Group we translate and print sound Bible study material in their native languages. Currently we are working on a new translation of the New Testament into the Hakha Chin language. There are 600,000 Chins (one of the 8 tribes in Myanmar) who do not have a real translation in their language. When completed this will probably be our most lasting contribution and most important tool given to the people of that tribe.
Purchasing Land and Constructing Buildings – We have financially underwritten the purchase of land and construction of buildings for Bible schools, seminaries, churches, day schools, and orphanages. We provide the funds, general planning, and oversight, but the local people do the actual construction work.
Setting Up Self-supporting Cottage Industries – We have attempted to place most of the entities—the schools, seminaries, and the orphanages and day care centers—into some form of small business to help them support themselves. We want the people and institutions to be able to take care of themselves and to provide for their needs in the future. Thus far, we have purchased several vehicles, farms, a sewing business, retail stores, a small trucking operation, and a water purification business.